May goals

Good lord- I cannot believe that it is May already. The year is nearly half done! Scary.  Here are a few things I'd like to do this month:

  • Sell my house.
  • Crochet a teacosy.
  • Pick up some freelance copywriting work.
  • Dye my hair back to brunette.
  • Finish the Clean Program. (as if I was ever going to do this...)
  • Hem and take in my black pants.



So I am obsessed with pinterest. I am patiently waiting to get my registration authorised, so I can start making magic happen. I literally have a visceral reaction to beautiful imagery... LOVE it. I get all wanty and achey and don't want to do anything but look at pretty pictures.


Check out these gawjus boards...

Design in everyday things.


These furniture boards.

Crocheted lovelies.

I have design school tonight, I am pretty excited about it! Next week we start a unit on colour, so get to paint lots and make colour wheel. Yay!

Mood boards

For my Design Principles and Elements subject at design school, I have to create a mood board in the theme of 'vintage revival'. I am taking a mid-century, modern industrial approach, with lots of orange wallpaper and teak.  It is still pretty embryonic, but I will definitely post images when it is done! The mood board, plus a rendering exercise, a design matrix and an annotated interior is due next Friday. Back to it.. Another autumn arrangement for Go Go Berlinette

Via. Kitchen wallpaper 70´s

Via. My small West German Pottery Collection

Via. Cathrineholm 3


Book-buying overload.

I have a slight addiction to buying books. Since the announcement that Borders and Angus and Robertson has gone bust in the US, I am committed to propping up the printed-word industry. Here are some that I have bought/read lately... It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be

Life-changing. This little gem is written by longtime Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Paul Arden, and whittles down all the other self-help, inspirational business book to a tight, beautifully designed 124-pages. An excellent and easy read. I want to buy this for everyone I know.

Sew La Tea Do

The second book by the lovely Pip, this baby has sewing patterns for all sorts of gorgeous gear, from lady's dresses to quilts, kid's clothes, and purses. I have her first book, Meet Me at Mikes, as well, and cannot wait for the next one!

Less Than Zero

By 'literature's wild child' (God, I hate that phrase!) Bret Easton Ellis. Set in a very shallow and grimy 80s LA, this is an easy read but made me want to have a long shower afterward.


Also by Bret Easton Ellis. Revisits Victor Ward, the same shallow, vacuous kid from Less than Zero. Compelling and kind of grotesque.

Escape from Cubicle Nation

Based on this. This one made me want to leave my job IMMEDIATELY and become a full-time designer. Has awesome plans on the nitty-gritty of working for yourself.

25 before I'm 25.

I made a list in November of 25 things I want to do before I turn 25 in April. I have made a pretty good start...

  1. Go swimming one lunchtime
  2. Make a rainbow cake
  3. Ride to work everyday for a week
  4. Lose 5kg
  5. Get my pants tailored
  6. Sell the house
  7. Buy another house
  8. Cook pad thai
  9. Taste peanut butter
  10. Learn the single ladies dance
  11. Buy some nice lipstick and wear it
  12. Make a nice summer dress
  13. Finish sewing my quilt
  14. Stretch art onto a frame
  15. Make an appt for my next tattoo
  16. Make an appt about laser eye surgery
  17. Get a pedicure
  18. Print out photos from my overseas trip and put them into frames
  19. Build a bookshelf
  20. Visit my family properly
  21. Watch Back to the Future
  22. Make bruschetta from my home-grown tomatoes
  23. Read 5 new books- Freakonomics, Superfreakonomics, Outliers, The Book Thief,Man Bites Murdoch
  24. Go to Port Fairy Music festival
  25. Pay off my credit card

Back to school.

Old books in Sarah's house Via.

I'm a bit nervous about starting school on Monday. My course is a Diploma of Commercial Arts (Interior Design and Decoration). It is part-time for two years, so I can still work and afford to buy furniture and paint. I have my enrolment pack ready, and am going to Officeworks tonight to get new books! I LOVE Officeworks. The best part of the entire school year when I was in high-school was to go there on the day before school started and get new notebooks, new pens, weird shaped post-its and hi-lighters. Stoked.

If I was loaded, I'd get stuff from the Kikki K near my office, but 'tisn't possible on my $2 salary.

A girl can dream..