25 before I'm 25.

I made a list in November of 25 things I want to do before I turn 25 in April. I have made a pretty good start...

  1. Go swimming one lunchtime
  2. Make a rainbow cake
  3. Ride to work everyday for a week
  4. Lose 5kg
  5. Get my pants tailored
  6. Sell the house
  7. Buy another house
  8. Cook pad thai
  9. Taste peanut butter
  10. Learn the single ladies dance
  11. Buy some nice lipstick and wear it
  12. Make a nice summer dress
  13. Finish sewing my quilt
  14. Stretch art onto a frame
  15. Make an appt for my next tattoo
  16. Make an appt about laser eye surgery
  17. Get a pedicure
  18. Print out photos from my overseas trip and put them into frames
  19. Build a bookshelf
  20. Visit my family properly
  21. Watch Back to the Future
  22. Make bruschetta from my home-grown tomatoes
  23. Read 5 new books- Freakonomics, Superfreakonomics, Outliers, The Book Thief,Man Bites Murdoch
  24. Go to Port Fairy Music festival
  25. Pay off my credit card