Tess and I have taken a podcast hiatus for the indefinite future, but I realised that I miss blathering on about the things I've been reading, listening to and watching lately. So instead, I'm going to periodically bore you all to death with the random things I've been consuming.
A book...
Or two, or three. I just finished Caroline Overington's The One Who Got Away. Her books are much-hyped, and she is an excellent journalistic writer, but I was underwhelmed. Also on the finished pile: Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (excellent, like an Aussie To Kill a Mockingbird), Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng (okay, not groundbreaking but suitable captivating) and Modern Lovers by Emma Straub (fun easy read about maintaining adult friendships). Up next is Clem Ford's Fight Like a Girl and the new Man Booker winner The Sellout, both of which look excellent.
A product recommendation...
MAC lipstick in Mangrove. It's a good orange-red for ladies who look weird with pinky-red lippie (me, I'm talking about me) and literally lasts all bloody day.
A show...
Catastrophe. Several people have recommended it to me lately, and it is SO GOOD. Like literally so funny I have to pause it until I stop laughing. Also, the fashion is excellent, if you are into that.
An article...
How To Invest In Yourself. I'm planning on bringing back the birthday list and this article has some good tips on actually getting things done.
A thing I've written...
Dealing with negative feedback
A podcast...
The Real Thing, an Aussie podcast by the ABC featuring stories from the 'real' Australia
A forget-me-not...
Archie was talking to Mum about my uncle, who passed away about 13 years ago.
A: Is he a skeleton?
M: Well, maybe.
A: Because skeletons are really good drummers.
M: Oh.
Archie walks past Jed and brushes his shoulder.
Jed: *dramatically throws himself on the floor.* ARCHIE HURT ME! You a BUM, Archie!
Archie: *looks at me, rolls his eyes* Sometimes brothers are crazy, mum.