On Mondays and Tuesdays, I work from home with Jed underfoot. I also manage to get quite a bit of work done from home with both kids around, too. It is bloody hard work, and I frequently feel like I am doing nothing right, but it is what works for our family at the moment. There has been a few times where I've hidden in the laundry (with two noisy boys banging on the door) to call a client or let Archie watch heaps of TV while I write an article, but we are continually getting better. I wrote an article on this very topic for the Creative Women's Circle blog.
The ‘juggle’ of working motherhood has become a bit of a cliché, but when your days involve filling sippy cups while simultaneously emailing clients on your phone and trying to stop a baby chewing through your laptop cord, it certainly does feel like a circus.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my husband and I run a handmade furniture business together, so we use a combination of grandparents, crèche and flexible work hours to care for our two young sons. This works well for us at the moment, but the wheels often fall off and I regularly find myself needing to work from home while the kids are around. It can be a challenge – there’s been plenty of of nappy changes on meeting room floors and client calls while playing Lego, but I’ve managed to come up with a mish-mash of solutions that work for our family, and may work for yours too!