So I turned 28 a couple of weeks ago. I celebrated with apple crumble, helium balloons and excellent present choices from the fam. For some reason, 28 sounds so much older than 27. Better get my life in order.
For the past few years, I have made a list around my birthday of stuff that I want to do before my next birthday. I have never ticked off everything on the list - far from it (I'm looking at you, 26 Before 26). Sometimes the stuff carries over to the next year, sometimes it doesn't. Here is last year's list, and the year before, if you are interested.
29 before 29
1. Move into the Brunswick house (dear god, if this isn't done before April next year I will go insane.)
2. Weekly yoga classes.
3. Dramatically lower my expectations regarding housework.
4. Go to Big River with the family.
5. Get better at photography.
6. Make homemade Monte Carlos.
7. Spend lots of time in bed with my new baby.
8. Get the new house photographed for a magazine - we have already been contacted by the Herald Sun but I reckon we can do better than that.
9. Make a difference with the podcast.
10. Get Archie started with swimming lessons.
11. Go on regular dates with Lee, even if it's just G&Ts in the backyard.
12. Move into a new workshop closer to Brunswick.
13. Do a huge purge and declutter when we move house
14. More family dance parties
15. Get Aussie Farmers Direct delivered regularly.
16. Eat more soup.
17. Eat less carbs.
18. Breastfeed.
19. Work really hard on good sleep habits for the new baby.
20. Toilet train Archie.
21. Do 30 proper pushups in a row.
22. Go to Alec and Nic's wedding in Queensland with an eight-week-old and a toddler and not freak out completely.
23. Regular friend dates.
24. Be an awesome mum.
25. Go on lots of bike rides with Archie.
26. Get the business making awesome dosh.
27. Make sourdough (ha, see No. 17).
28. Buy a heirloom rug.
29. Go on the City Circle Tram.