Five Things for a Friday.


1. Feeling a bit blah this week. I have been hibernating a bit due to chilly weather and lots of uni work to do. Easter was pretty low key, but it did involve a ridiculous amount of chocolate, so I have been eating lots of veggies and walking more to compensate. I have also been baking lots of bread, so a salad followed by half a loaf of fresh, buttery bread is still healthy, right? RIGHT?

2. So, you know how I was looking after two chooks for a friend who lives around the corner? Well. There is now only one chook. Let's just leave that there, shall we?

3. Our house is getting valued this afternoon, so I am frantically trying to tidy it up and make it look as expensive as possible. This might involve putting the baby in a cupboard for the rest of the day and not letting him out until the valuer has left.

4. I have lots and lots of things on in the next few weeks. An enormous uni project is due soon, lots of paperwork and crap to do with our new house (stat decs! soil tests! planning permits! yay!), a few work projects that will take up time, lots of birthdays (including mine!) and in the middle of it my mum/babysitter goes away to Europe for three weeks. So instead of actually getting my shit sorted and making lists and getting stuff done, I am obviously blogging and eating leftover Monte Carlos from playgroup this morning.

5. Archie and I visited my favourite opshop (Super Savers on St Georges Rd in Thornbury) and I picked up a knitted blanket for $3 and a gorgeous new top from Seed for $10. It's made of silk and promptly got covered in baby drool and Weetbix. Awesome.

Have a lovely weekend!