On blogging.

So, I really really really like writing here. I have a few hang-ups about it being totally self-involved and lame-o to anybody else reading, but I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that people just won't read it if they don't want to. And that is okay with me. I literally just sit down at my desk, spew out some idle thoughts from inside my head, then forget about it. I have trouble remembering specific posts or the last thing I have written, as it is totally spontaneous and written on the fly. But that is all going to change, as I am getting REGULAR! (Tangent: Speaking of regular, Archie is now pooing a lot better than before, in case you were wondering (and I know you were all kept up at night wondering about my son's bowel habits)). I'm going to try something like writing about Archie and motherhood on Mondays, maybe something design-y on Wednesdays, then a bit of a week-in-review type thing on Fridays. This might only last a week before I have had enough and can't handle the PRESSURE, but I think it might be a good way to get me writing more.

So. We'll see how it goes.

And I leave you with some photos of Archie eating/demolishing. God, I love that kid.









