1. Toblerone. Oh Em Gee. I needed something sweet after lunch and was lurking around the supermarket near my office and picked up this prism-shaped baby. Forgot how freaking good they are. When the Manfriend and I were travelling, we made a ritual of buying a massive Toblerone at every airport we were in. They still remind me of dirty backpacking days.... good times.
2. Having every nail a different colour. A fun way to 'inject some colour' (as the wanky stylists say) as I am wearing so much black whilst preggers.
3. Filling out my maternity leave claim form. It feels so much more real now that I've given notice and have my paid parental leave all lined up. It will be a big income drop but still, FREE MONEY. Win.
4. Eating real food. I made a massive batch of zucchini slice on the weekend which has hooked me up lunch-wise for the rest of the week. We had steamed salmon and vegies for dinner last night, and I'm making an italian stir-fry thing (okay, it does sound weird) tonight. And I have been having salads made from rocket and lettuce straight out of my vegie-garden-in-a-bath. Maximum vegies and protein, yo. And Toblerone.
5. I found three new blogs that are supercute and awesome.
One Claire Day is by a stylist-turned-mum and her gorgeous new family living in Far North Queensland. I obviously read the entire archives and now feel like Claire is my new best friend. Stalkerish? No.
The Beetle Shack is another blog by a lovely lady and her cute family. It's inspiring to know that I won't (necessarily) turn into a daggy barefoot woman as soon as I have a baby.
Dressed for 2 is a fashion blog by a fellow preggers chick navigating an expanding waistline. I also want to be her new best friend too.