What a massive few days. The house was passed in at the auction on Saturday, due to no bids. It was pretty depressing sitting in the front room of the gorgeous house that we built ourselves, looking out at 120 faces with not one person bidding. Apparently that is what is done now: by not bidding, the emotion of the auction is taken off the purchaser and put back on the vendor.
Imemdiately after the auction, four different parties came in and made offers. We had a mini-auction, with us sitting in the front room and the potential purchasers in the other rooms, with the agents running back and forth between us. Crazy times.
Anyway, after a sleepless Saturday and Sunday night, we eventually sold it to a lovely German lady for above our reserve, which is so, so excellent. I don't think it has hit me yet what has happened- the house is so full of memories and love. Even though it was only two years, I felt like I grew up in that house. It was where I learnt to cook, where Lee and I raged at each other and watched Mad Men in bed. It was where we lived with my best friend in one room, washed our dishes in the bath and used one tiny gas cooker for all our meals. I started my new job there, turned 25 there, made heaps of new friends and covered the bathroom in hairdye.
Au revoir, 153.