On life lately, knitting and spreading myself thick.
Making : So I have taught myself to knit recently, which has been a lesson in patience and frustration but I've had help from lots of lovely ladies, especially the uber talented Hatsumi Knits. I'm attempting to knit a hat for a soon-to-be-born boy baby and a few little toys for a recently born girl baby.
Drinking : Elderflower cordial by Natasha Morgan, which I picked up at a Wool Lover's picnic last weekend. Super yum with ice and a dash of gin.
Reading: Fat is a Feminist Issue, a classic by Susie Orbach. II just learned that she is married to the author Jeanette Winterson. Hello, power couple!
Trawling: Ebay looking for rugs for our new big playroom area.
Wanting: A piece of cake but it's almost lunchtime so I should probably just eat lunch, yeah?
Looking: Out our window and trying to see the beautiful view of the river and trees and birds, instead of just the garden that needs attention, the messy sandpit and the weeds.
Deciding: That taking a break from writing my book is probably a good idea. I need to spread myself thick for a while before I can get back into that headspace.
Wishing: That this 25-30 degree weather would hang around for longer. It's such the perfect temperature!
Enjoying: My bus trips to work where I listen to music and watch knitting tutorials on YouTube while getting in a big wooly tangle.
Waiting: for the world to change.
Liking: These new earring that I made from some old hoops and embroidery twine. I don't have a picture but they are a bit like these.
Wondering: What Kellyann Conway thinks about as she's falling asleep at night.
Loving: This guy, always.
Pondering: I am surrounded by babies and pregnant ladies at the moment, and I wonder whether these things come in cycles?
Listening: To this ace interview with Susie Orbach at the Sydney Writer's Festival a few years ago.
Buying: A huge amount of seeds, plant and bulbs from the Diggers Club ready for autumn planting! I've using heaps of flowering perennials and pastel coloured cut flowers. I basically want flowers all year round.
Watching: Imposters. SO GOOD. Although it is released week by week so I have to wait for each new episode, just like the olden days.
Hoping: That Barron Trump is okay.
Cringing: Lee and I love watching New Girl in bed while eating magnums, because we are classy, and that whole show makes me do a full body cringe at the awkwardness. Such a good show, Schmidt is literally the funniest character on TV.
Needing: to pee. TMI? Am I the only person who regularly holds on until the last possible second?
Questioning: the benefits of having really long nails. They look so annoying. And whether there will ever come a time when I can look at a baby without feeling insanely clucky.
Noticing: How Jed literally picks up like ten new words a day. He has started saying things like 'Actually' and 'Occasionally' and 'Often'. Cracks me up.
Thinking: WHO EVEN AM I
Getting: emotional about all the things. I feel like my rage-o-meter is all over the place at the moment and I keep getting yelly and cross. Take a chill pill, clark.
Disliking: The damp smell of the air con at work.
Opening: Exciting letterbox deliveries of this book and this book and this book!
Embracing: My little guys. I just want to hug and kiss and sniff them all the time, but luckily (for them) they are too wiggly.
Writing: This thing about the kid's gallery at Melbourne Museum. (it will go behind a paywall after one week!)