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I wrote a thing: Five common fears and how to deal with them

God knows creative types are more prone to mental health issues, amiright?!  Except maybe Beyonce, although she probably falls less under the category of 'Creative Type' and more under 'Goddess from another planet'. And who knows, maybe she's popping the anti-anxiety meds like the rest of us. Anyway, small business owners, creative people, hell, just WOMEN have a lot of shite to deal with, and the negative thoughts (AKA middle-of-the-night-fears that cause sleeplessness and existential angst) can come thick and fast.

After years (literally, like 10+ years) of seeing counsellors on and off, and a healthy addiction to books that fall into the 'Personal Growth' section, I have gathered some hot tips on how to deal when you can't shake the negativity.

More, here! And if you are a creative human who identifies as a female, consider joining the Creative Women's Circle. It is awesome. I am on the board. They do good things.
