What I've been...
Doing... trying to rest as much as possible. Lots of couch time and prioritising sleep, which is rare for me as I usually sleep as little as possible! Eating... lots of chocolate. I ate a packet of Haigh's chocolate-covered licorice sticks yesterday and a ton of tiny caramel Easter eggs today. Yummo.
Reading... At Home by Bill Bryson. And pretty much the whole back catalogue of Louise Bell from Table Tonic's blog. Love her style.
Watching... my house finally come together. It might actually be finished by the time the baby comes!
Thinking... about being forced to surrender to my body whilst pregnant. I might write about this soon.
Enjoying... surprisingly, I am really loving having a limited wardrobe. I can't fit into most of my clothes so pretty much wear a basic uniform of leggings or tights, a dress and boots/Jellies every single day. Makes it very easy to get dressed in the morning.
Planning... new projects and clients and products and designs with the Manfriend.
Making... this crochet bunny for the bub. I'm making it out of chenille wool, which is really soft and fluffy but a pain to crochet with! It should be cute though when it's finished.