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Things I have cried at due to insane pregnancy hormones.

  • The thought of watching Love Actually. Not watching it, just thinking about watching it.
  • How to Make Gravy by Paul Kelly.
  • The first time someone asked me if I’d like a seat on the tram. Poor guy probably didn’t expect me to burst into tears. Awkward.
  • Watching the really, really old lady who lives on my street walk to the letterbox.
  • Seeing another baby at a random shopping centre in Geelong.
  • An ad for The Bodyguard on TV.
  • My iPad not connecting to 3G.
  • Running out of pineapple juice.
  • Watching a preview of Planet of the Apes.
  • Lee not answering his phone immediately. I automatically assume he is lying in a pool of blood on the floor of his workshop and start dialling 000.